If not all funds in a batch can be applied, remaining funds can be placed On Account to be applied at a later date. Putting money On Account also allows for an Active batch to be closed out and a new batch created. Money can be placed On Account from any receivable record.
To add funds to On Account, search for a Customer/Shipper with an active batch from the Receivables home page.
Click on the remaining balance amount and a window will open where funds can be moved to On Account. Enter the Amount and then click the Save button.
To apply the funds from On Account to a load, click on the icon at the end of any row.
A screen will open with several available tabs. Click to the On-Account tab.
Enter the Amount to Apply, Date Received, Payment Method, and Reference and click the Save button. The Amount to Apply cannot exceed the Load Balance Due or the On Account Balance.
The On Account Balance and Load Balance Due will be updated to reflect the amount applied.
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