Go to Load Management → Loads → Marketplace → Available Loads.
Click on the next to the load to expand the list view options. When the List View is first opened, a default carrier history search will be pulled. This default pulls Core Carriers with a Pickup State, Delivery State and Service Type that match the current load parameters.
This list of carriers provides contact details, current negotiations, last haul date, last price and load count. The list can be sorted by carrier name, active price, last haul date, last price and load count.
The carrier list can be honed or expanded by using the search options of Carrier Type, Carrier Name, Strategic Capacity Tags and Service Type. Pickup State and Delivery State can also be changed.
Use the Ad Hoc Carrier Search toggle to further expand the search by removing the requirements for Pickup State, Delivery State and Service Type.
Prospect carriers will display on the list in a yellow color for easy identification. A Prospect Carrier can be sent a load offer or have manual negotiations tracked. A Prospect Carrier will need to be activated as a live carrier before it can be booked on a load.
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