For those with Admin Role Access. For Dispatch only users, please visit additional operations sections in the Help Center.
Go to Personal Menu → Select a Customer → Select Carrier Admin role.
Add, Edit or Deactivate Users
Select User from the top menu.
To add a User, click on the icon. The user form will open for entry. To add a verified contact, fill out the required fields marked with
and click Add.
To add an administrator or dispatch user, fill out the required fields marked with , click the Needs Application Access checkbox, and then click Add.
The Administration role is available to add or edit users and view the list of receivables. The typical user can access all the load management and invoicing from the Dispatch role.
To edit a user, click the icon. Update the desired information and click the Update button.
To reset a user’s password, click the icon, enter in the new password, and click Update.
To deactivate a user, click the and select Deactivate. Enter in the reason and then click Deactivate.
Manage Driver and Equipment Lists
Select Resources from the top menu.
Use this function to quickly build equipment and drivers lists that make it easier to post available trucks in EKA.
Each resource type is located in a separate tab: Trucks, Trailers, Drivers, and Availability.
EKA allows for the addition of semi tractors and an expansive list of individual truck types.
To add a truck, click on the . The truck form will open for entry. While many details can be captured, the few required fields will be identified by
To edit an existing truck, click on the icon. To delete an existing truck, click on the
EKA allows for the addition of an expansive list of individual trailer types.
To add a trailer, click on the . The trailer form will open for entry.
To edit an existing trailer, click on the icon. To delete an existing trailer, click on the
To add a driver, click on the . The driver form will open for entry.
To edit an existing driver, click on the icon. To delete an existing driver, click on the
Post Trucks
When you post available trucks they are immediately available to all your customers using the EKA Omni-TMS Platform.
To post available trucks click on the add button .
Truck and trailer types, location and date of availability are mandatory. Reduce data entry by selecting stored drivers and unit numbers.
*Be sure to tick the box for Available to share the post with customers. This function can be used to toggle the availability off and on without re-entering all of the details.
To edit an existing availability, click on the icon. To delete an existing availability, click on the
To view notes that are added on the existing availability, click on the icon.
View Receivables
To view receivables, go to the Loads tab.
To view load information, click on the load id number. To view settlement information, click on the amount due.
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