Operational Contacts can be viewed for Customers/Shippers, Carriers and Locations wherever the icon is located. Clicking into Contacts will open the Operational Contacts. For Customers/Shippers and Carriers, this modal will have a second tab for Verified Contacts.
Add Operational Contacts
To add an Operational Contact, click the Edit button, and then click to open the contact form.
Complete the desired details and click Save to store this contact with the associated party.
Only Emails and Phones with a Type of Work will display in the operations section of the application.
Emails and Phones set as Primary will display in the header for the contact.
For Carriers, Operational Contacts are available when sending the Rate Confirmation.
For Locations, Operational Contacts with the type of Scheduling will print with the location details on the rate confirmation.
Edit Operational Contacts
Click Edit to open the contact form. A list of available contacts will display.
Make any necessary changes and click Save to confirm.
Delete Operational Contacts
Click Edit to open the contact form. A list of available contacts will display.
Click on the to the right of the Contact information. The contact will be removed from the list of contacts. Click Save to confirm the changes.
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