To accept or negotiate the shipper price for a load, go to Load Management → Loads → Tendered/Accept.
Accept Price
If the load was created using the Source Carriers First option in New Load Entry, only the accept price and manual price override options are available.
To accept the price, click Accept Price and a confirmation window will show.
Negotiate Price
If the load is tendered from a shipper user with a shipper price, the Negotiate Price button will be available.
Enter the new price and then click Submit New Price. The price on the load will be updated and the options to accept or manually override the price will be available.
To view shipper negotiation information, it can be viewed in the shipper negotiation section.
Hover over the icon to view negotiation history.
Source Carriers First
If the load is tendered from a shipper user with a shipper price, the Source Carriers First button will be available. This option will move the load to the Capacity Assignment tab where the carrier can be sourced or directly assigned before the load is accepted.
Manual Override
To manually override the price, click the Manual Override button.
From here, you can directly accept the price so the load moves to either capacity assignment or active loads depending on whether a carrier is assigned. The price can also be saved as either the broker or shipper price before accepting the price.
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