To create an LTL quote, go to Data Management → Quotes/Contracts → LTL Quotes. The Quotes and Contracts feature requires a subscription to utilize.
To add a new LTL quote, click . Required fields are marked with
To add a lane, click .
Multiple products can be added by clicking the icon next to Products.
If one or more products have been added alongside the origin and destination, BlueGrace quotes can be requested. In order to integrate EKA with BlueGrace, an EKA Administrator will need to be supplied the necessary credentials and activate the integration. If the integration is active, click Request BlueGrace Quote. If matches are found, quotes will be returned in a list.
To view additional information about the quote, click the icon.
To set a quote as preferred, click the icon. The icon will change colors to
for preferred quotes. Up to three quotes can be marked as preferred.
To create the LTL quote, click the Save button. To create the LTL quote and then send it, click the Save & Send button. The print/email quote screen will open.
The quote type can also be set as basic or detailed. The detailed quote shows additional information, including all of the notes entered.
The customer contact set for the quote will be pre-filled into the email field. Additional customer contacts can be added to the list as well.
To generate a pdf of the quote, select the Print option or the Print and Send to Email option.
Click the Send button to print/email the quote. A confirmation screen will show.
One the quote is saved, click the icon to view more information on the quote.
Quotes can be copied as well as edited.
To print/email a quote, either click the mail icon, or select the checkbox on the quote then click . Multiple LTL quotes can be selected.
For the email field, unlike sending an individual quote through the Save & Send button, the field is free-form and is not pre-filled with a customer contact.
Click Send to generate a pdf and/or send the quote.
For information about creating an LTL load, applying a BlueGrace quote, and sending the shipment to BlueGrace, refer to this article.
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