To enable Scheduled Deductions and Additions, contact EKA Admin. Go to Finance → Deductions/Additions to add scheduled deductions or additions, or create an escrow.
To schedule a deduction or addition, go to the Scheduler tab.
Click the icon to open the Create a New Schedule modal.
Select the Asset Type as either a Truck or Driver and then search for the asset the schedule will apply to and select the Description which is the accessorial the deduction or addition will apply as. Then, enter the Amount, Schedule Type which can be either weekly or monthly, and the Start Date and End Date. Click Submit to save the schedule.
Accessorial default amounts can be set in the Scheduler Accessorial Defaults tab.
Click the to add an accessorial default. Enter the Description and Amount and click Submit to save it.
These defaults will auto-fill when adding a new schedule with that description, but can be edited.
The scheduler will run nightly and post the deductions/additions based on the schedule to loads it matches to. It will match to the most recent unpaid load assigned to the asset.
If no qualifying load is found, depending on the setting in Configurations (Refer to this article for more information), it will either accrue the amount or create a debit or credit memo.
If the amount is accrued, it will be visible in the Scheduler tab. It shows the date the accrual was last posted to a load, the current accrued amount, and the unposted details.
To view unposted details, click on the icon.
To view the posted transactions, go to the Scheduler Posted Transactions tab.
Deductions and additions can also be imported from a spreadsheet from the Importer tab.
Escrows can be added by going to the Escrow tab and clicking the icon. Incrementing and decrementing escrows are available.
Enter in the required fields and click Submit to create the escrow. Once a new escrow has been created, create a matching schedule using the same Asset and Description as the escrow.
On the Scheduler tab, for escrow accessorials, the Escrow Start Amount, Escrow Increment/Decrement, and Escrow Balance are shown. When the scheduler runs and the accessorial is applied to a load, the escrow balance will update accordingly.
The details of the escrow will show in the Escrows tab. The Starting Balance of the escrow can be updated by clicking the icon and then clicking the
icon to save, or the
to discard changes. To view Posted Details, click on the
If the escrow balance hits $0 and is a decrementing escrow, the schedule will be deactivated.
Escrow accessorials can also be created for a load manually by adding it as an accessorial to the load in Delivered Loads. This will update the escrow balance.
In Delivered Loads, escrow accessorials can be viewed and updated.
Click the View Escrow button to view the escrow accessorial details.
Click the icon to edit the amount, and then click the
to save the change, or
to discard the changes. To delete the escrow accessorial, click the
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